What are the Health Benefits of Okra or Lady Finger
OKRA - is known as a high vitamin C, K, Folate & other minerals to keep our body healthy. Also rich in fiber which helps in Proper digestion and controls the amount of sugar absorbed by the body. It is a low calories and full of nutrients. Anti-oxidants also help reduce the risk of serious health condition like cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart diseases. HERE ARE SOME OF THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF OKRA 10 Health Benefits of Okra or Lady Finger 1.) Promotes a Healthy and Orderly Pregnancy - It contains vitamin B which helps in the maintenance or production of new cells, folate, which is an important aspect in a safe and healthy pregnancy. 2.) Helps Prevent Diabetes - The nutrients of okra can normalize bloodsugar in the body which can help diabetics. 3.) Helps with Kidney Disease - According to studies regular consumption of okra can help prevent kidney disease and damage fifty percent (50%) of kidney disease is caused by diabetes. ...